Friday, March 23, 2012

Brush of Angles wings By Ruth Reid

in exchange fBook description: "Rachel and Jordan's feelings for each other are hostile at
first, but angelic intervention helps the two discover peace . . . and perhaps
love.The youngest and last unmarried of four sisters, Rachel Hartlzer spends
most of her time helping with barn chores. Her role abruptly changes when her
father hires Jordan Engles, the son he always wanted.As Jordan takes on
brotherly roles around the house, like escorting Rachel to the youth singing,
the enmity between the two grows. Besides, Jordan has one foot in the Englisch
world and is determined not to get involved with an Amish girl.Neither
realizes that God has sent an angel, Nathaniel, to help mend their hearts. The
angel's intervention helps them find peace and healing in accepting God's will
for their lives."My review: This is another book that I really enjoyed
reading, but I am not sure I like all of the book. I enjoyed the story as well
as the characters. I'm just not sure how I feel about the angels. They did add
some depth and understanding to the story. However, it would seem the author,
Ruth Reid, has attributed the work of the Holy Spirit to an angel. I think I
understand why she chose to include the angels, I just do not agree with the way
they are portrayed. I enjoy reading Amish stories and have read quite a few by
several different authors. I am looking forward to reading more by Ruth Reid. I
received a complimentary e-copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers
through their Booksneeze blogger program or an honest review. All
opinions are my own.

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